Hawkwood Road, Boscombe
A mixed use town centre regeneration project for BCP Council

Snug were appointed as Lead Designer to deliver a full planning application for the redevelopment of the Hawkwood Road Main car park site in Boscombe. The scheme provides a mixed use scheme comprising 68 residential flats, a doctors surgery or flexible Class E commercial floorspace, a community centre, public park, landscaping and public realm improvements. The project forms Phase 1 of the Boscombe Town Centre masterplan and will set the standard for future stages in Boscombe's regeneration.
We worked on behalf of BCP Council to initially develop an economically viable proposal for the site. We then managed an extensive Pre-app and community engagement process to refine a developed design for the site. We submitted the planning application on programme, ensuring a fully coordinated planning package.
The project delivered ambitious social impact and environmental performance. The project provides 68 new low carbon residential apartments including 40% 3 bedroom family flats and targeting over 70% affordable housing. The proposal also has exceptional environmental performance. It has been designed to Passivhaus principles and will achieve a 63% reduction in carbon emissions when compared to the notional building, with 25% of the energy used on site coming from low/zero carbon sources. The project also provides 60% biodiversity net gain in Area Habitat Units, including extensive new tree cover. A SUDs system also manages rainwater run-off on site.
Snug acted as both Architect, Project Manager and Lead Consultant, directly appointing the consultant team, providing a single point of responsibility for the client.

The junction with Heathcote Road

Heathcote Road frontage

The mixed use surgery with apartments above

The new pedestrian link and community centre