Spending on design fast tracks company growth
Global business consultants McKinsey recently conducted what they believed to be (at the time of writing) 'the most extensive and rigorous research undertaken anywhere to study the design actions that leaders can make to unlock business value.' Its core findings are that investment in good design, regardless of your business sector, increases company performance significantly. These are their key findings:
The McKinsey Design Index highlights four key areas of action companies should take to join the top quartile of design performers where the greatest impact is achieved. These are:
- From the top of the organization, adopt an analytical approach to design by measuring and leading your company’s performance in design quality with the same rigor the company devotes to revenues and costs.
- Put the user experience front and centre in the company’s culture.
- Nurture your top design people (including external consultants) and empower them in cross-functional teams that take collective accountability for improving the user experience.
- Iterate, test, and learn rapidly, incorporating user insights from the first idea until long after the final product is launched.