Quality Place Making in the Era of Localism

Snug Projects are hosting a one day conference with RIBA South on 5th April 2011 at their offices on Jewry Street, Winchester. The conference is an opportunity for architects, local businesses, planners, local councillors and developers to actively embrace the opportunities offered bythe localism agenda. We hope to encourage a creative and active engagement between the industry and local communities. The passage of the Bill represents a significant opportunity for communities to create a positive vision for the future. As architects we are committed to promoting an informed debate about quality place making and believe creative designers should be active in using their skills to serve their local communities. As Architects and Urban Designers Snug Projects has the skills to help communities explore and realise their Neighbourhood Plans. We want to ensure these are high quality plans that integrate the visions of informed local people. Using our experience in community facilitation we will be developing resourses that will assist local communities in preparing successful Neighbourhood Plans that realise the full potential offered by the Localism Bill. If you are a community representative contact us to find out more about how we can help your community prosper.